Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Ultimate Source of Good Fortune

Whether we are young or old, we may sometimes wonder what we could do to improve our fortune. Improving it quickly would be particularly appealing!

We may attempt this by rational methods which we can control. Are there new skills, courses, disciplines or self-motivation methods that could make our life more successful?

Or we may look for a lucky coin, an auspicious horoscope, or the winning lottery number.

Or we might try business or investments to make a quick success.

Our quest is to rise above the world around us so that our life will be much better than normal drudgery.

The prospect of instant wealth has become a large industry which preys upon our gullibility. We may spend our money to enrich Las Vegas barons or perhaps at state-run lotteries.

We may purchase books and magazines that claim to share special secret knowledge.

Many of us flock to gurus and talk show hosts that declare they will provide us with the luck we need. Some do this in the name of religion, offering spectacular healing and other fantastic miracles.

Get-rich-quick scams abound of every kind that are supposed to provide us a fortune. Whether offered by Wall Street or by quacksters, these questionable schemes inevitably disappoint.

However, there is a genuine path to greater success in life even though it is perhaps slower than we wish. It lies in the spiritual dimension, in the realm of the unseen. It is the path of spiritual wisdom. If we diligently look for it, we will find it.

Spiritual development is mostly a slow process that depends on building good habits and character, lasting values and beliefs. There is not a quick easy path up this mountain of spiritual development. There are no simple techniques for sudden enlightenment.

This wisdom offers us hope for lasting relationships and a strong family. It teaches us how to work much better, how to lead and to motivate. It also shows us how our fortune is improved in helping others who are less fortunate.

At the top of the mountain of spiritual growth lies something great, a power far beyond ourselves. True wisdom is aligning ourselves with the Ultimate Power in the universe, who is often called God. You might use other names, but that is less important.

Most religions and cultures have believed in a world beyond us and in a Higher Power which creates our visible world.

However, many modern sophisticates have rejected this traditional view. They acknowledge none greater or higher than themselves in the universe; they believe that we are the gods and goddesses that create and control the world about us. So they blindly follow every passing fad, expecting to be rewarded for their great brilliance.

Albert Einstein was the greatest scientist of the modern era. No single contemporary has rivalled him in lasting influence. Einstein said he developed his revolutionary theories by trying to figure out God’s thoughts in designing the universe. Einstein said:

My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.

Today we can still reach out our mind to the Great Intelligence beyond us. We do this in prayer, meditation and reflection.

From these come great creativity, wisdom, and insight.

Real fortune comes only from right understanding: of ourselves and of the world around us. It comes when we seek from the true Source.

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