Friday, November 21, 2008

Good-bye to Timmy, our Loyal Friend

Timmy passed away November 20,2008 after an unfortunate accident when he stepped in front of a car. Timmy was nearly 12 years old (84 in human terms) and had lived longer than the average Cocker Spaniel.

He was born in Mississippi on February 3, 1997, a son of champion and grand-champion show dogs. He came to our home for Ben’s 12th birthday. In his prime he had perfect markings and a wonderful champagne-color coat. But we remember him for many more important things. He was our constant family friend in many adventures.

He loved chasing birds, eating, and playing. He had a healthy respect for cats, having moved in with two of them when he was 10 weeks old. He had a wonderful nose and could track animals or humans. He loved to find a ball thrown into deep weeds.

In this past year he had increasingly poor health. His heart was giving out, the vet though he might have cancer also. He lost most of his sight, smell and hearing. But he was ever-loving. While he was fortunate not to go through final pains of old age, he will be fondly missed by his family – Paul, Kathy, Joel, Jenny, Ben and Michael – and by his many friends!

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