Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The People of Heaven

Finding your way to Heaven is not easy, because it has no address or telephone listing. It is not legally incorporated, files no tax returns, nor elects any leaders. Many people wonder if it exists.

However, the concept of Heaven is as old as human history. Virtually every religion has incorporated a concept of Heaven in some fashion. Our ancestors’ greatest project throughout history has been to build temples, churches, mosques and other monuments celebrating this heavenly realm beyond our normal senses.

From the cathedrals of Europe to the ruins of the Jerusalem Temple I have seen the evidence of this heavenly theme. Sculptures and paintings depict angels in a shining world beyond the skies. Poems and scriptures eulogize this Divine Destination.

In a trip to Egypt two years ago, I saw hundreds of giant pillars from Karnak Temple in Thebes still standing incredibly tall and straight after more than three millenniums of onslaught by wind, sand, and human destruction. This immense temple complex was built on 100 hectares (247 acres) of land and contains three major temples. Karnak is one of the largest temple projects ever built. The ancient Egyptian religion was consumed with preparing for eternal life. However, they believed that the barriers to reaching Heaven after death were nearly impossible to overcome, even for a pharaoh.

In China I visited the fabled “Temple of Heaven” in Beijing. Thousands of years ago Chinese people believed in a Shang Dì, an omnipotent, just and supreme being. They also believed in Heaven. The Chinese Emperors honoured this ancient tradition by making regular sacrifices and worshipping at the Altar of Heaven, right up to the beginning of the 20th Century.

Of the many religious teachers, the most helpful that I have found is Jesus. The central theme of Jesus’ message was that the Kingdom of Heaven is very near to us and easily reachable if we seek it. Jesus called people to revolutionize their lives to enter into this Eternal Kingdom, which he said exists both in the Now and Hereafter.

The mysterious Kingdom of Heaven extends down to our earthly realm of pain, sorrow and struggle. Whenever we see someone sheltering a lost child; someone assisting an old person who has no relatives nearby; or when we find a person trying to bring peace and healing to hostile parties, we are likely watching a Citizen of Heaven.

Heaven is a reality which we begin to enter in this earthly life, if we expect to reach it at all. We enter Heaven by creating Graciousness and Beauty all around us through our compassion, generosity and non-violence.

My mother was one of the many People of Heaven. I wrote about her death in my blog on November 5, 2006. She created beauty and light wherever she lived and traveled. She worked constantly to help those who were suffering or in despair.

I have met many other people who are busy creating a small corner of Heaven right now wherever they live and work. It is hard to describe adequately the ineffable quality of life achieved by souls who strive to transform our world. You have probably also met some of the People of Heaven, whether or not you recognized them. In fact, if this description fits, you may also be a Citizen of Heaven.

The People of Heaven are not perfect, nor do they claim to be. Nevertheless they labour continuously to build a better tomorrow. As individuals, they may seem unimportant, but as millions they appreciably improve the world. They bring hope for the tragic world we face now. They also look forward to a better world far beyond us.

1 comment:

CHARLAX said...

Chinese Things
Chinese Things

When the T v aerial gets a little wind blown the parents of the children like to send them to the roof and they tell them to hold the aerial down and stand on one foot and the signal comes in strong. The computor specialist was on call and the customer was a complainer and he acted so bald face up the specialist decided to get even and he hotwired a control to the side of the idiot's box complete with an active button to restart an inactive program to activate the non existence into action. The customer came into the office and he was balking. Listen gentle reader to the imagined conversation. “Eye wish you to fix the computor please”, said the Chinese man, he carried a lot of money in his hand. The programmer just smiled his fish was now at hand. “Eye gave to you the button all you have to do is push the button every three minutes and that will refresh the program running in the background”, said the American. Yes the button works well it is just fine the Chinese man agreed and then he left and as he left he sighed out loud he cried. And the American Programmer of the page refresher given to the Chinaman laughed out loud until he almost died.